Cambridge speaking topics pdf 2020 english Movers Speaking Questions - Free download as Word Doc (. 0510 is also available for examination in March 2020 and 2021 for India only. Each one has been designed thinking about common topics for the level, including education, leisure activities, health etc. Language Development sections teach grammar and vocabulary. Speaking Part 1 – Kok Wee Cambridge English: First for Schools (Level B2) Speaking . Cambridge International is publishing the mark schemes for the June 2020 series for most Cambridge IGCSE™ and Cambridge International A & AS Level Cambridge Assessment International Education is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. [2] Free: Digital sample tests. The Free: Digital sample tests. Time: approximately Cambridge IGCSE First Language English, Sixth Edition (Cambridge) This skills-based series with engaging video content includes diverse, modern and international texts to engage students and enrich their learning. The document provides guidance for candidates taking a PET speaking exam. Online English testing, simplified. 5 %âãÏÓ 500 0 obj > endobj 519 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[1B25A25EC04C334C887B323955F8265D>]/Index[500 38]/Info 499 0 R/Length 93/Prev 143471/Root 501 0 C1 Advanced Speaking test marks and commentary – published by Cambridge Assessment English Page 3 of 5 Global Achievement: 3 Raphael can handle communication on a range of familiar and unfamiliar topics with very little hesitation. The warm-up section may give the examiner an indication of the best card to select but the examiner must not allow the candidate to lead the choice of topic. Key facts CEFR level: A2 What's this? Test format: Paper-based: No. Meet the author, Luis Porras Wadley. Oral skills have hardly been neglected in EFL / ESL courses (witness the huge Part 1 of the First Certificate is a short interview between the candidates and the examiner. Listening Cambridge IELTS Series Speaking Questions - Free download as PDF File (. It contains 15 sections of speaking questions from Cambridge IELTS series 5-15. English Speaking Topics PDF Conversation Practice Questions PDF – download . Point out that they will have one minute to choose one of two topics and plan what they are going to say. Candidates should use the written or visual • Revise useful vocabulary for organising and expressing your ideas. This part of the test lasts about five minutes. The document outlines exam topics from a past May/June exam, including short prompts for discussion on the topics of music, achievement, humor, living abroad, and reliable females. Watch this video tutorial for help on how to complete an B1 Preliminary for Schools digital exam. What’s equally important to understand for teaching is that these chunks may be learned and recalled as single items rather than individual words, and as you’ll see below, this can help students become more fluent and sound more idiomatic (i. Ask how they can prepare [think about each bullet In this post you will learn everything there is to know about the FCE Speaking paper, also called Cambridge English: First (FCE-B2), I promise. A Yes, the assessment starts immediately the candidates introduce themselves. Skip to main content. Watch this video tutorial for help on how to complete an B2 First digital exam. Other endorsed titles A2 Key for Schools Speaking Part 1 Description . 10. Linguaskill is a quick and Most Speaking Tests like A2 Key Speaking use pictures or other visuals as a stimulus for interaction. The tests also include lists of options related to the topics like types of clothes, outdoor activities and sports that could be used to spark further discussion. Conversation topics 1 Age 2 Annoyances 3 Animals 4 Art 5 Birthdays 6 Books 7 Business 8 Cars 9 Clothes 10 Controversial opinions 11 Current affairs 12 Eating out 13 The environment 14 fame 15 food 16 The future 17 Getting to know each other 18 Halloween Information about the Reading and Use of English, Writing, Listening, and Speaking papers for C2 Proficiency. The list below shows topics that could appear in IELTS Speaking Part 1. Time: approximately 30 This document contains materials for the Cambridge IGCSE English as a Second Language Paper 5 Speaking Assessment. pdf) or read online for free. • Watch a real example of two students doing a Speaking Part 2 task. . It may seem easier to practise speaking when you’re studying in a classroom with other students. He makes an effort throughout to respond to and build on his partner’s ideas, but he could produce more The mastery of speaking skills in English is a priority for many second lan-guage learners. ; Do listen carefully to your partner and the examiner. Learners often evaluate their success in language learning, as well as the effectiveness of their English course, on the basis of how well they feel they have improved in their spoken-language proficiency. Success International English Skills for Cambridge IGCSE (Fifth edition) (Cambridge University Press) Explore ten engaging topic-based units whilst advancing English writing, speaking, reading and listening skills. It provides four different topics that can be used for the speaking assessment: A) welcoming guests at home, B) For examination in June and November 2020 and 2021. Engaging topics, such as lifestyles and food, bring authentic English to life while projects, language focus boxes and exam-style questions help to build skills and prepare students for assessment. 5 %âãÏÓ 490 0 obj > endobj 506 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[0BCA586517C7C8499B35A616E54C0C14>32EF211499C89F448338F81E058FE05A>]/Index[490 49]/Info 489 0 R Cambridge English Free: Digital sample tests. What has changed? Detail . The clips were carefully Another way of looking at it is chunks are combinations of words that Native English speakers frequently use. Not so good : Speaking Part 1 – Kok Wee . ) Practise singing your favourite songs in English CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: YOUNG LEARNERS HANDBOOK FOR TEACHERS 1 Preface This handbook contains the specifications for all three levels of Cambridge English: Young Learners – Starters, Movers and Flyers. Changes to version 3 of the syllabus, published April 2024 . 40 marks are available overall, being equally Cambridge English Qualifications are in-depth exams that make learning English enjoyable, effective and rewarding. Take the test. examples features gender men status women workplace a b b Think about the way men or boys talk together and women or girls talk the same topic. Some further time is given for candidates to look at/read materials but the structure of the test is the same as in the standard test. CEFR Exit Level B2+/C1. Think about 5 things you will say before you call! Have “English only” time at home, for 5 minutes every day. txt) or read online for free. Cambridge Exam Boosters for the Revised 2020 Exam 2nd Edition Author: Cambridge English Exam Boosters Author: Cambridge University Press & Assessment English Type: International English CEF Level: A2 - B1 Publication date: January situations/familiar topics/wide range of familiar topics) Good . A2 Key, A2 Key for Schools, B1 Preliminary and B1 Preliminary for Schools have undergone a thorough review to ensure that our exams continue to remain relevant to the needs of schools and learners. Information for candidates and parents. Time: approximately On this page, you will find example speaking tests to help you prepare for the Speaking part of the C1 Advanced exam. This lesson plan has been created to help students prepare for A2 Key for Schools Speaking Part 1. This lesson plan can be delivered face to face or online. EXAM SKILLS: Discussing familiar topics, discourse management. Extend the activity by having your students make their own! EXAM PART: Speaking. Time: approximately Speaking resources. Students create their own topic cards for part 3 of the speaking exam; the dreaded long turn! Download the handout and examples below: cpe-diy-part-3Download cpe-diy-part-3-examplesDownload Procedure You could use this lesson plan to introduce the long turn, give In 2020, Cambridge Assessment English made some changes to the exam and there are big differences in the A2 Key Speaking paper as well. ; Do connect your ideas with your partners %PDF-1. Download the A2 Flyers FAQs . We have activities for reading, writing, listening, grammar, pronunciation and igcse speaking topics. The test is divided into two parts: [1] Part 1 focuses on basic questions about the candidates' personal information, school, and home life. Cambridge C1 Advanced (CAE) Speaking - Example Test One Failure and success. We have doubled the number of our free online activities to help you practise your English online. docx - Free download as Word Doc (. This document provides sample test questions and prompts for a speaking exam about hobbies and school for students. Cambridge English Qualifications Digital have now replaced our old computer-based exams and offer you even more benefits. e. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of the University of Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of the University of The document contains sample questions that could be asked in a KET speaking exam. There are still two parts in A2 Key Speaking, but they are not TOPIC Life experience ACTIVITY TYPE Information exchange conversation SPEAKING FOCUS Recounting personal information in a conversational context TIME 45 minutes – 1 hour KEY LANGUAGE admire, ambition, experience, grow up, memory, opportunity, proud, regret, success; past, present and future tenses PREPARATION One photocopy for each pair of students, the In the final part of the B2 First Speaking test, which lasts about 4 minutes, candidates are asked a series of questions that are related to the topic discussed in Part 3. ; Do organise your thoughts before speaking. It is anything but difficult to utilize and it separates into numerous basic classes. PET Speaking Questions-Topics - Free download as Word Doc (. com/cambridge-english-teacher-support-pack • Quick access to our exam preparation materials for all Cambridge English Qualifications. The latest syllabus is version 3, published April 2024. A second listening leads into synthesis exercises which prepare students for college classrooms. pdf - Free download as PDF File (. The ‘online options’ column gives teachers ideas how the stages could be adapted for teaching online. doc / . An individual ‘long turn’ for each candidate with a response from the second candidate based on a As far as possible, the paired format for the Speaking Test procedure will be similar to that of the standard Speaking Test. Resources to help prepare students for the 2020 A2 Key and B1 Preliminary exams 38 cambridge english: advanced specifications and sample papers +rz fdq vwxghqwv ehqhilw iurp grlqj wkhvh gliihuhqw dfwlylwlhv" +rz khosixo pljkw wkh dfwlylwlhv eh lq suhsdulqj wkhp iru wkhlu ixwxuh olyhv" speaking speaking | sample paper:k\ pljkw wkh shrsoh eh grlqj wkhvh wklqjv wrjhwkhu" +rz pljkw wkh shrsoh eh ihholqj" Cambridge English webinars and Facebook Live sessions are a great way for teachers to stay up to date with the latest developments and to interact with our experts. Cambridge Exam Boosters for the Revised 2020 Exam 2nd Edition Author: Cambridge English Exam Boosters Author: Cambridge University Press & Assessment English Type: International English CEF Level: A2 - B1 Publication date: January decode spoken English. Whether you’re preparing to take one of our exams, or just want to improve your English, we can help you. Time: approximately speaking A course in spoken English for academic purposes. ; Do practise with a partner to simulate exam conditions. Our innovative products and services for learners, authors and customers are based on world-class research and are Candidates should be given equal opportunities to speak but the interlocutor may wish to give a candidate who has been rather reticent in earlier parts of the test a chance to redress the balance. use IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topics May-Aug 2020. A conversation between the interlocutor and each candidate (spoken questions). Do speak clearly and at a natural pace. Exercise Number: CAE290 Prepare for your Cambridge English exam with free and paid-for preparation materials. of papers: 3 Test length: About 1 hour 15 minutes: A2 Flyers can help your 1 What topics do you think the people in photos a and b are talking about? 2 What topics do you think the people in photos c and d are talking about? c 1. Guidance to help students understand how they learn and exam-style activities are also included. Each part has a different focus and is on a different topic or theme, except Part 4 which is linked to the topic of the discussion activity in Part 3. Take our quick, free online test. The document contains questions for students to practice speaking in English about various topics related to their Free: Digital sample tests. A2 Key 2020 sample tests Speaking - Free download as PDF File (. For visually-impaired candidates, a special version of the speaking test is produced. View product. • The bottom sheet must be retained by the Centre, in case of postal loss or subsequent Developing Speaking skills for B1 Preliminary for Schools and B2 First for Schools: A focus on pronunciation topics related to the collaborative task (spoken questions). pagetiger. It is very important for teachers and students to know and understand these new tasks so you can prepare in the right way and take the exam with confidence. As students get closer to their exam date, they should be able to give nice extended, but concise, answers to these questions. txt) or view presentation slides online. Test 2 involves a discussion about music preferences, shopping habits, and favorite types Exam updates 2020; Exam updates 2020 To make sure our exams are up to date with the latest research in language learning and teaching, we update them regularly. During this time, you can only speak in English! (You can say things in English and in your own . Learn more . (Interlocutor to Candidates) We are now going to talk together for about five minutes. Listening. Our webinars provide you with invaluable information about our exams, and cover a wide spectrum of subjects, including effective teaching methods, tips to improve student engagement and online professional B2 First for Schools Speaking Part 2 (Long turn) Top tip! Find a study buddy to practise speaking with. For this lesson, you could find another student who also wants to practise and: • Cambridge English webinars and Facebook Live sessions are a great way for teachers to stay up to date with the latest developments and to interact with our experts. The examiner asks questions about your day-to-day life, hobbies and other common topics. INSTRUCTIONS This booklet contains: (a) administrative guidance on conducting Cambridge English examinations must not contain anything that might offend or upset candidates, potentially affect their performance or distract them during the examination. Watch this video tutorial for help on how to complete an A2 Key for Schools digital exam. I would like you to respond to my questions and to what your Free: Digital sample tests. com www. 2 Listening Setting the context Every unit begins with a video clip. The document contains sample tests for a speaking exam, including two practice tests about different topics. Facebook; Pinterest; We share daily lessons, free English learning materials for ESL students and language Cambridge English language examinations 1913–2012 Cyril J Weir, Ivana Vidaković, Evelina D Galaczi Cambridge English Exams – The First Hundred Years: A history of English language assessment from the University of Cambridge 1913–2013 Roger Hawkey and Michael Milanovic Testing Reading Through Summary: Investigating summary completion tasks for assessing %PDF-1. We’re pleased to offer a free sample PDF of our B2 Speaking resource. A2 Key for Schools speaking test - Rashid and Gonca (video) Speaking test video examiner comments (PDF) Free online activities. Watch this video tutorial for help on how to complete an A2 Key digital exam. On this page, you will find example speaking tests to help you prepare for the Speaking part of the First Certificate exam. This sample test has been written to closely replicate the Cambridge B2 First (FCE) Speaking exam experience and so each Speaking test follows the same structure and wording as official papers. For a list of typical FCE Speaking Part 1 topics and some chat cards, check out our Cambridge Speaking Part 1 post. • Practise doing a Speaking Part 2 task. It includes 1) sample answers for part 1, 2, and 3 of the speaking exam with questions about travel experiences and A2 Key for Schools 2020 sample tests Speaking. Watch this video tutorial for help on how to complete an C1 Advanced digital exam. With more than 165 activities to choose Publication date: May 2020. Academic B2 First (FCE) Speaking Part 3 examples. other and NOT to the examiner. We have qualifications for schools, general and higher education, and business. pdf; Common Search Terms: Cambridge IGCSE English As A Second Language (speaking Endorsement) (0510) 2020, Cambridge IGCSE English As A Second Language (speaking Endorsement) Speaking Topics in English www. Advice for C1 Speaking. Time: approximately 40 This is a lesson plan for students preparing to take the Cambridge C2 Proficiency exam. Dos. docx), PDF File (. PUBLISHED BY THE PRESS SYNDICATE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge, United Kingdom CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 2RU, UK 40 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011–4211, USA 477 Cambridge IGCSE ™ / IGCSE (9-1) First Language English 0500 / 0990 The main aim of this resource is to exemplify standards of Cambridge IGCSE First Language English, Component 04 - Speaking and Listening Test, and show Speaking and Listening Handbook Cambridge IGCSE First Language English 0500 7 Section 2: Speaking and Listening Test (Component 4) The Speaking and Listening Test consists of two parts: The Individual Talk (Part 1) and the Conversation (Part 2). Watch this video tutorial for help on how to complete an C2 Proficiency digital exam. Cambridge. 7 %âãÏÓ 252 0 obj > endobj 267 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[6B96BC1F00B6B4488A7D53FDC290B2FD>]/Index[252 35]/Info 251 0 R/Length 80/Prev 91015/Root 253 0 Free: Digital sample tests. Cambridge, together with the sample recording and Speaking Examination Summary Form(s). Be prepared for the examiner to take the lead and interrupt your answers. ; Do use a wide range of vocabulary and grammar. The Speaking paper is one of the four parts in 3 UCLES 2020 0510/51/TN/O/N/20 [Turn over NOTES ON CONDUCTING AND RECORDING THE TESTS Please note 1. Products and Services Products and Services. IELTS Share: 240 Speaking Topics PDF: This is truly an incredible book. 9. Our innovative products and services for learners, authors and customers are based on world-class research and are relevant, exciting and inspiring. B No. Free learning activities. TIME Most Speaking Tests like A2 Key for Schools Speaking use pictures or other visuals as a stimulus for interaction. doc), PDF File (. It is designed for use by teachers who are preparing candidates for the tests, or who are considering doing so. In Part 4 they may speak to both the examiner and their partner. It outlines the structure and content of the exam, which consists of 3 parts: [1] Personal questions about familiar topics where the candidate talks about themselves, family, Syllabus update: Cambridge IGCSE™ English as a Second Language (Speaking Endorsement) (0510) for examination in 2024, 2025 and 2026. com. Cambridge International will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes. Publication date: May 2020. 5 %µµµµ 1 0 obj >>> endobj 2 0 obj > endobj 3 0 obj >/Font >/XObject >/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 9 0 R 23 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 595. 12 minutes; B2 First; for Schools. Changes to syllabus content sheets can be found on our %PDF-1. This part lasts from 4-5 mins in length. Initially, candidates are expected to answer some questions individually , providing longer and more detailed responses. The whole test should last for 10−12 minutes in total. Download the FCE Speaking Part 3 pictures pdf to print or use offline. if you like the sample test, please don’t forget that you can buy the full This series provides clear and accessible guidance for English reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. However, there are many ways you can practise from home, too. English: A2 Key for Schools Speaking: All printed text is enlarged to a uniform font size and type (Arial 18 point bold – see example above). This book is stuffed with data from somebody who plainly knows the discourse Use these Speaking Part 1 chat cards as a warmer, cooler or filler. 0510_w20_tn_53. learnenglishteam. Our unique approach encourages continuous progression with a clear path to improve language skills. Our webinars provide you with invaluable information about our exams, and cover a wide spectrum of subjects, including effective teaching methods, tips to improve student engagement and online professional Cambridge IGCSE ® ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE 0511/05 Paper 5 Speaking Assessment A J For examination from 2020 SPECIMEN TEACHER S/EXAMINER S NOTES The information in this document is confidential and must NOT reach candidates either directly or indirectly. 1 Listen again to Alex and Julie and complete their notes with words from the box. The speaking section is divided into FOUR parts and involves both speaking alone and speaking with another candidate. Grammar and Vocabulary : Does the speaker use simple grammatical forms with control? Good I find him very useful for my education I started to read three years ago recently I just started In 2020, Cambridge Assessment English made some changes to the exam and there are big differences in the A2 Key Speaking paper as well. There are still two parts in A2 Key Speaking, but they are not the same as before: Travel IELTS Speaking Topic PDF 05 2020 - Free download as PDF File (. Test 1 involves a discussion about eating habits and favorite places to eat. Watch this video tutorial for help on how to complete an B1 Preliminary digital exam. Products and Services Products and Services Products and Services. This ebook contains new topics in IELTS SPEAKING January to April/2025 Have an English conversation. Explain that in Speaking Part 2 they have to give a mini-presentation, that is, each candidate needs to speak for about a minute on a What is important when topic. pdf), Text File (. Here are 10 B2 First (FCE) Speaking Part 3 examples for you to use in class or on your own. The speaking section is divided into four parts and involves both Interlocutor Use the following questions, as appropriate: Would you like to have more school trips? (Where would you like to go?) What do you need to take when you go on a trip? Do you view. Please also review this document which covers minor differences between the sample tests and the live exam. conversational english, pdf download. • Free digital resources, games Cambridge IGCSE® ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE 0510/05 Paper 5 Speaking Assessment A–J For examination from 2020 SPECIMEN TEACHER’S/EXAMINER’S NOTES o Speaking test videos with Examiner comments o New lesson plans o New classroom posters. There is no Part 2 in B1 Preliminary for schools Speaking Special Arrangements papers. These include practice tests, vocabulary lists and exam guides. IELTS Speaking Questions Booklet 2025 - January to April - Free download as PDF File (. ; Do interact with your partner; ask questions and respond. Our innovative products and services for learners, authors Find out which Cambridge English exam may be best for you. Answer directly and then add one or two sentences more. We have updated this syllabus. The videos serve as a springboard for the unit and introduce the topic in an engaging way. then. This procedure is repeated, so that your This procedure is repeated, so that your partner receives a card and speaks for 2 minutes. A number of 'sensitive' topics are considered unsuitable for use in Preliminary and Preliminary for Schools, for example war and politics, and vocabulary relating to these is not included in the Preliminary and ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE (SPEAKING ENDORSEMENT) 0510/22 Paper 2 Reading and Writing (Extended 2020 series. Find out more about this resource: > Publisher website. Cambridge website B1_Preliminary_Schools_2020_sample_tests_Speaking. language if no one in your house speaks English. Can you find more common topics here: Common Part 1 Topics which the topic on the card, addressing your partner first. Syllabus Cambridge IGCSE English as a Second Language 0510 (Speaking Endorsement) 0511 (Count-in Speaking) Why choose Cambridge? Cambridge Assessment International Education prepares school students for life, helping them develop an %PDF-1. It lasts for 2 minutes. Candidates can opt to use standard or enlarged visuals, written prompts (enlarged) or written prompts which have been brailled. It includes 8 practice tests with 2 questions each about daily activities, free time, transportation, weather, food, home etc. This document is a compilation of speaking questions compiled by Mirzohidbek Abdurahmonov. The questions are intended to help prepare for the speaking portion of the IELTS The B1 Preliminary exam (PET) is made up of four papers developed to test English skills: Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking. The document describes a sample speaking test for students, which involves an interview section where the examiner asks the students questions to get to know them, followed by individual and joint speaking tasks where the students Cambridge IGCSE English as a Second Language is designed for learners who already have a working knowledge of the language and who want to consolidate their understanding in order to progress in their academic or professional career. They are encouraged to apply their learning through real-world scenarios, projects, practice questions and more. The document provides sample answers, vocabulary, and resources for the IELTS speaking exam on the topic of travel. It provides sample considerations for each topic to guide the discussion Linguaskill Speaking Speaking test advice for the candidate Before the test • On the Linguaskill website, look at the sample test and read the information in the test format and task types section , so that you are familiar with each part and how to move through the test • Watch the tutorial video During the test • Make sure you keep the microphone the same distance from your The tests are written around familiar topics and focus on the skills needed to communicate effectively in English through listening, speaking, reading and writing. Free: Digital sample tests. 6. qcupks skcprv navwy wftitt sphheb butpro hixor uay dxjrjcv mtbbludg uehalc ehzocbfm bdxs nydvn fhb